wall street journal bestselling author USA Today bestselling author
amy vansant bestselling author
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He's Got to Go Romcom Sale!

PG-Rated (1.5 Chili Peppers heat level) Romantic Comedy 99c for the first time and for a limited time! March 24-30




99¢ March 23-29

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When a Pineapple Port resident is found dead during an approaching hurricane, Charlotte fears someone’s trying to disguise murders as storm-related accidents. The first two victims have more than the storm in common – both were hoarding valuable storm supplies like toilet paper and water.

Hm. Maybe the killer is karma!

 Available for Pre-Order - Release: April 8

A super fun mystery full of "Easter eggs" by USA TodayWall Street Journal & Amazon All-Star bestselling author Amy Vansant.

Pineapple Easter Egg - Cozy Mystery

Available April 8 | SAVE $1 on the PREORDER!

Amazon US | Amazon UK Amazon CA  | Amazon AU | Amazon IN



Win the Next Pineapple Release by NAming a Chick!

 It's time again to give away 20 copies of the new release,  Pineapple Easter Egg, which is riddled with hidden references to movies and Jimmy Buffett songs. 

Last time I suggested you invent an "Easter egg", but while I usually get hundreds of entries, I only got a handful, so I'm going to make this a little less confusing! :)

Enter a name for one of the hundred baby chicks featured in this upcoming book and you'll be entered to win a copy!

I'll pick 20 random winners of the new book (and if you already bought it, you can pick another!).

Make an Easter Egg of your Favorite Movie or Show!


A visit from Archer... Sometimes watching TV is harder than others...



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