Remember my new friend Shelby? We watched Shelby plod away, exit stage left, yesterday... and then saw her reappearing stage right... That's when I realized the new creature wasn't Shelby, but another gopher turtle headed towards Shelby's house as fast as her little scaly legs could carry her. Drama! She crawled right into Shelby's hole as if she'd been lurking in the underbrush, watching, waiting for her to leave. Shelby was spotted later munching away on the greenery...I don't know what happened when she went home and found that vixen in her cave.
But he doesn't look happy, does she?
Welcome to Dexter's kill room...
I will tell you, later that night, a black snake popped his head out of her burrow. Was he there for an illicit tryst with Vixen? Is he Shelby's ex-boyfriend?
Tune in for another explosive episode of Reptile Housewives of Jupiter!
Could be Shelby is running a reptile Air-BNB...but the drama isn't helping with my stress. For the next three days we're having popcorn removed from our ceilings, and my office looks like Dexter is preparing to kill us both...