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He's Got to Go Romcom Sale!

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99¢ March 23-29

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When a Pineapple Port resident is found dead during an approaching hurricane, Charlotte fears someone’s trying to disguise murders as storm-related accidents. The first two victims have more than the storm in common – both were hoarding valuable storm supplies like toilet paper and water.

Hm. Maybe the killer is karma!

 Available for Pre-Order - Release: April 8

A super fun mystery full of "Easter eggs" by USA TodayWall Street Journal & Amazon All-Star bestselling author Amy Vansant.

Pineapple Easter Egg - Cozy Mystery

Available April 8 | SAVE $1 on the PREORDER!

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Oh, and Pineapple Valentine is 99¢!


  There's a Pirate Goat in Pineapple Wedding - I asked AI to imagine him for you: 

Bard Generated ImageBard Generated Image 1

DiD YOU WIN Pineapple Wedding?

Below are the people randomly chosen for a copy of Pineapple Wedding! Thanks for all the fun entries as usual!

Margaret Buttercup
Patrice Huckleberry
Ginger I would name the goat Mr. Rascally 
Jackie Benjamin (have a mischievous grandson)
Kathleen BaaBaa
Ellen Pogo 
Lori If the goat were female I would name her Gilly because I like the alliteration of Gilly Goat.  But if the goat were male, then I would name him Vincent as in Vincent van Goat.
Stephanie Satyr 
Wanda S Miscgo. A combination of mischievous and goat.
Jennifer  Beardy McGoatkins
Pat Ba-a-a-a-a-a-xter
Kay Baaatman or Hammerhead 
Heather TOGA

The mixed up goat!
Jan Leonard - In memory of a famous goat in our area.  RIP Leonard.  They had to get 2 goats to replace you!
Lisa Miss Chews-a-Lot
Lucy Goatcho Marx
Laura Guido, because I had a goat named Guido
Sheila Smuggles -- I used to have goats until the coyotes wiped me out.  I love the critters.  They are so smart and look so smug.  They do NOT eat just anything, but they have a sweet tooth.  I gave them marshmallows for a treat.  Marshmallow might be a good name, depending on your goat's personality.
Melanie I'd call him Japeth, after the goat in Hoodwinked!  His song in that movie is hilarious!
Lisa Goatzilla



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