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PINEAPPLE CRUISE: BOOK 14 -  99¢ (US & UK) Kindle Unlimited


When Mariska trades the brisket she won at “meat bingo” for three tickets on the new Gulf Voyager cruise ship, she, Darla, and our detective Charlotte enjoy a ladies' cruise to Key West. But when passengers start dropping like anchors, they find themselves afloat in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico...and a murder mystery.

Charlotte notices the victims were all sitting at their assigned dinner table...does that mean they're next?

"Too much!! Wow! I don't think I've had so much laughter and fun in a cozy mystery ever! " - Amazon Reader ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

The handsome ship's doctor is up to no good, the cruise director is shifty, the captain seems clueless, and one of their tablemates just dropped dead in her oatmeal. Charlotte thinks she can solve the mystery, but she'll need Darla's pickpocketing skills and Mariska's unusual fighting style...

Meanwhile, Declan gets an unexpected, giraffe-pattern-covered visitor while babysitting Charlotte's terrier—she plays a mean game of rummy and brought along a stalker...

Fans of Agatha Christie’s And Then There Were None will love this cruise-bound caper!

PINEAPPLE TURTLES: BOOK 10-  99¢ (US & UK) Kindle Unlimited



USA Today and Wall Street Journal bestselling author Amy Vansant - Queen of the Feel-Good Thriller - sends her lead sleuth to the east coast of Florida in this tenth installment of the bestselling Pineapple Port cozy mystery series!

Newly-minted detective Charlotte Morgan discovers a mysterious box in her attic, the contents of which lead her to a hotel packed with strange characters and a link to her family's past. Trusting the crafty, Yorkie-toting manager will be as difficult as tracking down a missing child...and the woman who might be her aunt...

"Another great book in the series! I enjoyed this very much; well-written and fast-paced. A thoroughly enjoyable read from a great author. You won’t be able to put it down! " ~ Amazon Customer ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐

Back in Pineapple Port, Charlotte's boyfriend gets tangled in a local tomato war as the locals band together to stop a corporation from destroying their fallen friend's field.

BONUS! - You'll meet characters from Amy Vansant's spin-off SHEE McQUEEN mystery series! Get a sneak peek at another wacky, wonderful world of intrigue and unforgettable characters!




We saw a pretty big lightning strike outside and started filming in time to get the next one. You can barely see this happen in the video, but the screengrab is pretty amazing. Did one of the little forks hit my fence? It sure sounded like it!


Things I May Never Do Again... 

wallpaperSo you know that thing where you think, sure, I can wallpaper one little wall...how hard could it be? 

We were struck temporarily insane and decided to go for it. Yikes. This is peel-and-stick wallpaper from Amazon, and it does look pretty good---gave a very white bathroom a little punch, but it was NOT easy. I can't even imagine attempting it with old-timey glue & paper!

It would have been a lot easier if I knew these tricks ahead of time:

1. Overlap is relative.

They say to make it easier, do a little overlap from one sheet to the next, but what they don't tell you is if your design is as large and all-encompassing as this one, you have to overlap practically the whole sheet for it to line up, which would double the amount of wallpaper you need.  Given the choice again, I might have picked something a little more sparse and forgiving.

2. Length is dependent on pattern...

When you cut your second sheet, remember it must align with the last one at the right point in the pattern. I cut the right length off the roll with a little extra just in case, toddled back to the bathroom, and realized the part I needed to line up at the top of the next column was about two feet down the piece I'd cut... Grr. So, I put that piece aside, figuring I'd use it for the last column so the patchwork I'd have to fill in for that shorty piece landed behind the toilet...

3. Is the pattern the same upside down?

Of course, it isn't, because a twisted sadist designed this particular pattern. Turns out that even if it doesn't look like it, there is a right side up and upside down (that sicko made sure of it), so when you match the pattern and cut your third piece, you'll realize the pattern is slightly different upside down and still doesn't line up right without coming up short. ) *^!(^)@^^!!&#*#^%$_!!!!

 4. Don't look behind the toilet.

Things might be a little janky there!





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