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You can see your husband's quirks in a new light
My husband/muse, Mike, has a lot of...let's say idiosyncrasies. I'm used to them and they make great character tics in my novels...but in new situations I never know how they might manifest. For instance, he's overly polite. To the point where he's practically knocked me into traffic to make room for someone approaching from the other direction - someone he's never met and will never meet again, and someone who probably won't even help him shovel me off the asphalt. Between him and the 700 speeding bikers (like 10 speed, not like Hell's Angels) it's a miracle I survived our morning walks. He was also paranoid we'd be to loud in our condo and insisted we whisper until about noon and watch all our television at level one with the close captioning on. If you could see me listening to television sound again, it would be like watching a Hallmark special where a woman regains her hearing.

  • Plan on expanding your house so you have room for shells
    This was day one of shell collecting --->. I had to stop looking down for fear I'd have to buy another airplane ticket and put a human shaped shell creature in it just to get them all home. I was doing pretty well until I spotted this one:I don't even know what it is. It's been a long time since I found a shell I hadn't seen before.
  • I need to Google image it...ah, found it. Paper Nautilus. Stunned I found it whole - it's super fragile!
  • nd turns out, without knowing it, we also took a picture of the octopus that made that shell as an egg chamber.
  • Sharks Schmarks
    It isn't the fact that you've watched JAWS about 150 times that will keep you out of the water. It's seeing scores of man o' war jellyfish on the beach every morning. Here's one with 10ft long tentacles. Snikeys!
  • Exercise Can't Fight Pineapple Coconut Margaritas
    No matter how far you walk on the beach every morning, it doesn't keep you skinny when you can hear Pineapple Coconut Margaritas calling your name from every tiki bar in the area. Throw in the conch fritters and grouper sandwiches and the fact you were totally kidding yourself when you thought you'd just shop and cook like you do at home...
  • Make sure your airplane tickets are changeable.
    Because the weather is thirty degrees warmer in Florida and you'd swim with the man o' wars to be able to stay a few more weeks!

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